Saturday 3 June 2006

The Dalai Lama on The West's Big Problem, Marriage and Homosexuality

From The Telegraph recently:
The West's big problem, he believes, is that people have become too self-absorbed. "I don't think people have become more selfish, but their lives have become easier and that has spoilt them. They have less resilience, they expect more, they constantly compare themselves to others and they have too much choice - which brings no real freedom."

He has lived as a monk since childhood, but the Dalai Lama views marriage as one of the chief ways of finding happiness. "Too many people in the West have given up on marriage. They don't understand that it is about developing a mutual admiration of someone, a deep respect and trust and awareness of another human's needs," he says. "The new easy-come, easy-go relationships give us more freedom - but less contentment."

Although he is known for his tolerant, humane views, he is a surprisingly harsh critic of homosexuality. If you are a Buddhist, he says, it is wrong. "Full stop. No way round it." A gay couple came to see me, seeking my support and blessing. I had to explain our teachings. Another lady introduced another woman as her wife - astonishing.
I was surprised to read his views on homosexual practice.


  1. Amen. I love reading your blog, it blesses me! And I'm so stoked to find out Henri Nouwen has a mailing list...

    Hope you're doing well in all your Poland preparations! Praying for you!!


  2. I wish more people would take note of the 2 kinds of people article. All to many seem to be in the nobody moves, nobody gets hurt mindset. There has to be something that distinguishes Christians from the rest of the secular world.

