Tuesday 17 April 2007

A Statement to the Anglican Church of Canada from the House of Bishops of Rupert's Land

Alleluia and thanks be to God! I am much encouraged by this statement. Thank you bishops of Rupert's Land (one of which, I am happy to say, is my own).
In the two months remaining before June, we do not believe that it is possible for members of General Synod—or the broader Church—to undertake the required education and discussion to be in a position to determine whether the blessing of same-sex unions is scripturally sound and theologically consistent with core doctrine. ...there is no one Canadian Anglican position paper that we as a Church own and can use to help others engaging this question. If the blessing of same-sex unions is consistent with core doctrine and right, then it is incumbent upon us to help educate Anglicans, and other Christians, in Canada and around the world.

...Our second concern is that the set of resolutions which CoGS has drafted does not squarely address the effect of passing those resolutions on our membership in the Anglican Communion. If the blessing of same-sex unions proves to be scripturally sound and consistent with core doctrine, we believe that General Synod needs to develop a vehicle for considering whether it is better for us to stay at the table and insisting on ongoing conversation with all of the other parts of the Communion—particularly those where gay and lesbian relationships constitute illegal or even criminal activity—or to walk away now from our Anglican brothers and sisters, and our ecumenical partners, thereby communicating that “I have no need of you” (1 Cor. 12:21).
Read the whole thing.

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