Wednesday 24 December 2008

Pope's Remarks on Sexuality will widen Anglican rift: a No-Bull Christmas Message

I found a thought provoking comparison of the clarity of Catholic and Anglican expression in a piece by Andrew Pierce in The Telegraph entitled, "Pope's remarks on sexuality 'will widen Anglican rift.'"…
Rev Geoffrey Kirk, a vicar in south London who is general secretary of the traditionalist Forward in Faith organisation, said: "It should not be a surprise that the Pope is a catholic and makes clear statements supporting catholic teaching.

"If there is confusion about what he said it is not because he is not clear - it will be because people chose not to listen to what he said. If there is confusion about what Rowan Williams says it is because he is not clear. We are in such a mess in the Anglican church, clarity on sexual morality is now impossible."

Rev Kirk said that even though the remarks of the Pope would increase pressure on the Archbishop to clear up the confusion he expected no movement. "Rowan will not be any clearer on the issue," he said. "He is an Anglican."
One of the things I admire about Pope Benedict is that he is a "no-bull" Pope—he says what he believes and what he means clearly. While I appreciate Anglicanism's breadth, many of our North American leaders go too far in compromising Biblical clarity with Anglican smoke and mirrors.

Read the whole article here. H/T Anglican Mainstream.

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