Thursday 14 May 2009

Psalm 126 as a Prayer for Those in Need of Restored Fortunes

My Psalm for the week in A Guide to Prayer is 126, that wonderful little one about the laughter and joy that come after the weeping, when fortunes are restored. The restoration is so amazing that it is like a dream; too good to be true.

Thanks to this YWAM publication, A Voice for the Voiceless: 30 Days of Prayer for the Voiceless: addressing global issues of gender-based injustice. See here (don't know why this shows as strike through). I find myself praying for people, women and girls mostly, who badly need their fortunes restored.

The last three days have covered child prostitution, AIDS and domestic violence. The numbers are horrific. I guess I knew that, but the enormity and specifics of the problem gets lost in the minutiae of my comfortable and secure day to day life. To come: Pakistan (where, I learned today that, 70-90% of women experience domestic violence), abortion, refugees, eating disorders, purdah, female labourers, China, incest, barren women, pornography, female suicide bombers, starvation, trafficking, Afghanistan, female genital mutilation, teenage mothers, honour killings, prostitution, war, Africa, rape, dowry, missing women, education, single mothers, Iran and slavery.

Psalm 126 can be a lovely prayer for all who are experiencing hard times; the sick, the unemployed, the abused, those in stressed relationships; the list goes on. Pray that the LORD in His mercy will restore their fortunes so that they, too, will be like those who dream and that they will laugh and shout for joy. Soon. Amen.

UPDATE—9 May 2012: Jude and I are still using it each day.

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