Friday 27 November 2009

Anglicans Must Change or Die

Sobering words by Steve Weatherbe of His article focuses on the Diocese of British Columbia's development director, the Rev. Dr. Gary Nicolosi, who calls for the Vancouver Island Anglican diocese to encourage growth by requiring
50 percent of rental incomes be spent on evangelization; by rewarding clergy with higher salaries and more holidays; by training those that don’t grow their parishes – and, if necessary, move them to non-leadership positions, or out of the ministry entirely.
It's not just a BC problem. It's an Anglican Church of Canada, Diocese of Calgary, StB and my problem, too. Lord, have mercy.

All here.


  1. Thank the Lord that it's not too late to do something! God's calling us to a new challenge and in our doubt, weakness and fear, with Him, I think we can meet the challenge.

  2. I think this is what all mainline churches face. Indeed, Lord, have mercy!

  3. Yep, you can throw money at EV'ing, and you can try to develop strategies, and you can train Priests but it is us sitting in the pews who play the role. Jesus said "no one comes to unless the Father calls him". Elsewhere Scripture says: (sic) "Be ready with an answer whenever someone asks you a question about Jesus". This is not just the responsibility of the Priests, we all have to learn to "walk the walk, not just talk the talk".

  4. These days throwing your opinions down someone's throat isn't going to increase your flock. Why don't we try other approaches?

    Why don't we subtly encourage others to worship by showing them how wholesome and fufilling He is rather than threatening them with eternal damnation.

    Why don't we smile at people and chat to people in the street? Leave the pamphlets at home! Take away the pressure from converting people and you'll find it's easier and a more genuine experience. They'll stay in the faith longer too.

    If you start with fireworks and productions how do you grow from that? Bring back the 'little faith' where you have church picnics and encourage people to bring a friend.

    God is powerful, we don't always have to talk for him. Lets just bring the people to him and let him show them the way.
