Tuesday 7 September 2010

Slow Church

It could be just because I'm 63, but I'm thinking slow these days. Partly, it comes from listening to the CBC a while ago and hearing someone talking about the slow food movement which, I understand, all started out of a protest about a McDonald's restaurant opening somewhere in Rome.

What has remained with me is something whoever it was on the CBC said. Don't eat anything that:

has ingredients you can't pronounce
you can't cook in your own kitchen
won't rot
people weren't eating it in 1900.

Why not a slow church movement, I thought?

Simple Ingredients

We won't use ingredients that we can't pronounce, either. If what we're cooking can't be expressed as straight talk in plain language, then we won't cook it. I did a television program on Emily Carr, the painter and writer, once. Something she wrote has stuck in my mind ever since: "Never use a big word when a little one will do." Amen.

Our Own Kitchen

If God wants us to cook something, it'll be in our own "kitchen" using the ingredients he has already brought together here. There is no point and trying to imitate what people are doing in other kitchens (like Willow Creek or Saddleback, for example). God has something unique with a particular flavour which can only be cooked at StB. We just have to get the recipe from him.


Our ingredients are not supposed to last forever. They have a shelf life. When they start to lose their effectiveness (rot, in other words, like choir pews, perhaps?) then they must be discarded and we must get fresh ingredients.

The Same

Jesus and his message, however, does not change. The dish we prepare is the same as was being prepared and enjoyed in 1900 and before. Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, Saviour of the world. Way, truth and life. Bread and wine. Word and sacrament. Church.

There are some folk on to the idea already. For example:
So we are a slow church. It is our nature. Many of us are tired of churches that have freshly printed agendas at every meeting and high energy, executive types barking orders and getting things done. We tend to attract wounded, introverted sorts who need to sit in the woods for a while. Maybe for 2 or 3 years. The average time it takes to get a project completed at Covenant Baptist Church is three years. Someone brings up an idea. It gets talked about for a few months, maybe put on the elders’ agenda. If it is still being talked about a year later, we might talk seriously about it. (The rest here)
Slow Going

I think we're doing slow church at StB. I've been trying to do fast church, but it hasn't worked. We're slow. It's taken us a long time to get where we are—all the way from mid 16th century Church of England via 1884 in Medicine Hat. I'm only the fourth priest at StB since 1949. Slow going. It will take us a long time to get where the LORD has us going. We're in it for the long haul.

Slow is not for everybody. Especially in this high speed age. StB is slow and our worship is not particularly convenient. We're not like the new "seeker friendly" churches with bands and lights and pastors in shirt-tails (mind you, the hem of my alb hangs even lower; all the way down to my ankles).  I'm not knocking them, by the way. They are doing what God is calling them to do in their particular "kitchens." At StB you don't get to sit and be entertained. You have to participate. You have things to say and do in the worship. You have to use a book and sip real wine from a common cup. I'll nag you to bring your own Bible (BYOB).

Slow and steady…

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gene - just found this post from 2010 and wanted to share something we just received from a friend where we were serving, seems to fit.

    "This past month I read through the complete New Testament again, asking God to refresh my understanding of who we are, why we are here and how we should proceed. On my second read through I have found myself pausing and reflecting more often, and have been especially struck at how, AFTER Jesus commanded His disciples to go and make disciples, He instructed them to wait for the Holy Spirit, the promise of the Father. So the beginning of the mission to go and make disciples of all nations is to wait upon God, without Whose power and presence we can win no battles (Jos 7:1-5), enter no Promised Land (Ex 33:15-16), make no disciples.

    Once the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, the amazing thing is, His coming both transformed the disciples from within and changed the spiritual climate of the city without, so that people came running, asking questions. Chapters
    2-8 of Acts are a succession of events initiated by God, then explained by the disciples to amazed onlookers. The disciples didn't need a 'programme' or a 'strategy' - they just needed to be on hand to explain what God was doing!

    So we've felt convicted of sin in trying to make disciples without waiting for God, and have been acknowledging our own absolute powerlessness unless He first comes and changes things. We're asking Him to come and change us and change the nation that we live among. We're prepared to wait and keep waiting and asking until we have what we ask of Him (Lk 11:5-13), as Jesus
    repeatedly invites us to do (Jn 14:12-14)."
