Friday 29 March 2013

Listen: a Meditation for Good Friday


The city hums. The occasional motorcycle from the new spring crop rumbles by. Cars pass. Railway locomotive diesels throb. Pigeons converse on the bell tower. Life goes on around us. Most people are enjoying a holiday. Most are oblivious to what we're doing in here just as they must have been in Jerusalem when Jesus drank the cheap sour wine, said "It is finished" and gave up his spirit. Life went on all around as "he poured himself out to death" (Isa 53:12); so many oblivious, then and now, to the final fight to the death for their souls and ours.

Listen. Nothing seems to have changed.

I don't feel the anguish that Jesus felt. My life is not in danger. I can't crank the feelings up at will. But that's not the point. It really is finished. The point is to listen to the words of Holy Scripture, and to remember and to honour Him for, to give him worth, for who He is and what He completed. At the Evangelical Association service this morning, Pastor Mark Bolender from Hillcrest, called what Jesus did, "majestic submission."

Small it is, in this poor sort, as the hymn goes, for such as Him: our all too frail, willful and sinful humanity compared to His majestic innocence and submission. And yet, listen. What makes Good Friday so very good is the way that through that majestic submission, "God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Cor 4.6)

So look inside. Look around you. And listen, listen to the words we are about to pray.

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