Friday 2 May 2014

Retirement: a Rather Galling Day Two

Something I didn't mention about day one is that I spent most of the day with a pain in my gut (including while I was writing yesterday's post). It felt like gas, so I went to my cardiac rehab exercise session and didn't tell anyone. Foolish, as several people have told me. It didn't get any worse when I exercised and my blood pressure was its usual now drug-induced normal so I carried on.

If I'm honest I have to admit I just couldn't bear the thought of having to admit to or deal with anything like that on the first day of my retirement! It was too embarrassing. Silly, I know, but I really didn't want to go there. It appears I already have a really well developed retirement capacity for denial and avoidance.

As the day wore on the pain got worse so, in the evening, I finally had to give in and go to emergency to rule anything cardiac out. The results? My heart numbers were "pristine," but they thought they'd better check my gall bladder. Gall bladder!?! I have absolutely no history of anything like it; no indigestion or heartburn; nothing. So painkiller for the night and back to the hospital fasting for an ultrasound this morning. Results next week.


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