Thursday, 12 January 2012

Insanely Great Service from Insanely Great Products

My wonderful wife gave me an Insanely Great Products Clip and Go for Christmas. As you see, it's a neat little gadget for attaching your iPhone to your dashboard. Alas, when I opened the gift, I found that the suction cup to which the iPhone must be attached was missing. Jude wasn't sure whether she saw it when she opened the package or not. We couldn't be sure whether it didn't arrive or whether it had been lost in the flurry of Christmas wrapping and opening.

So I emailed the Insanely Great folk and asked if they could send me a new suction cup. I received this message from Insanely Great Products co-founder, Richard:
I'm also not sure if the missing suction cup is on your end or ours but I'll send you a replacement by Priority Mail in the morning.  
If it's our error, please accept my apologies.  I appreciate your patience and we'll get it resolved as soon as we can.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
He then proceeded to send me not just one suction cup, but two! Plus one of these for my trouble:

All this at no charge. Outstanding service. Check them out if you're an iPhoner. 

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