Tuesday 1 September 2020

YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE—The LORD‼️ Not Really An Homily for the Twelfth/Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity/Pentecost—with reference to Ex 3:1-15; Ps 105:1-6, 23-26, 45c; Rom 12:9-21; Mt 16:21-28


Which, when all is said and done, is all that needs to be said. Forever and ever. Amen. This is the God whose face cannot be seen and whose real name cannot even be spoken IS WHO HE IS and who does what he does, with absolute, unimaginable authority whether it made sense to Moses, or Peter, or makes sense to you or me, whether we agree or approve or think it’s fair, or not. 

I thrashed around a bit but this is what I think it all boils down to. Just as well I didn’t have to preach. 

Here’s a good one that did get preached! The Mad Padre strikes again—Rock to Block!

Love in Jesus,


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Gene. Yes, God's "I am" doesn't need our approbation our evaluation. The fact that God bothers to tell us that God is, God is there, and God is good is all we need. Miss you, my friend.
