Saturday 14 April 2012

Towards a New Awakening: the Waiting and What For?

My friend Ed shared something a friend of his wrote about the role of waiting in prayer for revival:
This past month I read through the complete New Testament again, asking God to refresh my understanding of who we are, why we are here and how we should proceed. On my second read through I have found myself pausing and reflecting more often, and have been especially struck at how, AFTER Jesus commanded His disciples to go and make disciples, He instructed them to wait for the Holy Spirit, the promise of the Father. So the beginning of the mission to go and make disciples of all nations is to wait upon God, without Whose power and presence we can win no battles (Jos 7:1-5), enter no Promised Land (Ex 33:15-16), make no disciples.
Once the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, the amazing thing is, His coming both transformed the disciples from within and changed the spiritual climate of the city without, so that people came running, asking questions. Chapters 2-8 of Acts are a succession of events initiated by God, then explained by the disciples to amazed onlookers. The disciples didn't need a 'programme' or a 'strategy' - they just needed to be on hand to explain what God was doing! (Emphasis mine). 
That's exactly what happened in past Awakenings! As disciples and churches were transformed from within, people in the surrounding communities were drawn as the spiritual climate of their communities changed. It must be very exciting.

So we wait upon the LORD.

We had Easter Sunday off, back to the task tomorrow at 6pm in the hall.

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